Wednesday, October 10, 2012

We've Been Approved!

We are extremely happy to announce that we have finished all of the application stage with our mission board and are now fully approved as TEAM missionaries.

TEAM is a mission board in the western suburbs of Chicago.  Their name is an acronym that stands for The Evangelical Alliance Mission.  It is a non-denominational, evangelical mission of over 600 missionaries that is committed to “help churches send missionaries to establish reproducing churches among the nations to the glory of God.”  

We have been so excited throughout the entire process at finding out just how like-minded we are with TEAM.  They will be an amazing partner and support as we move forward.

For a history of TEAM, click here.

For a statement of faith, click here.

What does this mean for us?

 1.     It is really happening.

There were never any doubts in our mind, however, as we cross each intersection en-route to full-time missions, there is a moment of pain-staking clarity. 

It is those moments that we are beginning to learn just how satisfying God truly is.  He must be, or there is no point in doing this.  As we cross those intersections, we are learning to kneel and acquire again a taste for the all-satisfying love of God. 

     2. We can finally start raising support.

Yes, we are genuinely excited to start asking people for money, but not because we like money.  It is quite the opposite.  We have been so moved by the need for a Savior in Latin America that we want to do something about it.  And we want everyone to be involved.

Investing in the Kingdom is, undoubtedly the most rewarding of work.  When we raise support, we don’t ask people to pay our bills…we ask them to invest in the kingdom.  What better question is there?

As we go about this, there is no fear.  We will ask many, visit many, but always cling to the hope that God will provide all of our needs.  He will do so through many of you, but also many whom we have yet to meet. 

What does this mean for you?

This means that your investment in building the Kingdom in Latin America can begin now. 

1.  Pray
There are many things that we want to see God do over the next 10 months. 
-       We want to see needed funds raised.  We are asking God for $4000/month by December of 2012.
-       We want to have $15,000 raised for transitional expenses.
-       We want to see our church planting team begin to form for Guatemala City.  There are many logistics to this process, so we are asking God for much wisdom. 
-       More than anything, we are asking God to prepare us.  We don’t know what lies ahead, but we want this year to be fruitful in preparation and sanctification that we may be prepared for our future service.

2.  Give
As mentioned above, our first target goal is $4,000/month by December of 2012.

Donations can be made to TEAM with "Acct: 011135" in the memo line.

If you’d like to donate on a monthly basis you can head over to to set up a recurring gift.

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