Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Transition has begun

Seriously, we are totally and completely inundated by the waters of change. We have had numerous discussions about our arrival strategies. We have purchased tickets. We have begun packing, or getting rid of things that we aren’t taking. We are getting final doctor’s appointments for Jenny and the baby. We’ve figured out visa situations, are putting cars up for sale.

This all would be mayhem if Jenny weren’t so phenomenal when it comes to details. Where Jenny is strong, Justin is weak – a key to a happy marriage, right?

All that to say, your prayers are greatly appreciated as we enter into the final stretch. We have so many people that we still want to see, so many details that we still have to tend to. However, despite the laundry list of things, every day feels like it is dragging on. We are so anxious to finally make this move. The past few months have been fabulous for us to have, but now we just want to get there. We’re like a toddler on a road trip -- “are we there yet?”

This past Sunday, 9/15, we celebrated our commissioning at Grace Pointe Naperville (video below). It was such a lovely time. We had the opportunity to share a little about what we’ve been up to for the past year. We also got to share some words of encouragement that God has been laying on our hearts. After we shared people from all over the congregation came forward, laid hands on us, and prayed for us. We felt like we had been given a glimpse into Acts 13 as Paul and Barnabbas were sent off by the church in Antioch. God has blessed us with rich friendships and fabulous people who have been generous and supportive for all of our time at Grace Pointe. We continue to trust that God will continue this work through them that He has begun.

Over the past week I’ve been meditating on the end of Philippians 1. Paul tells the church at Philippi (one of his main supporters):

27 Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.

That really is our prayer. Our desire for all of you is that we may continue to hear of your unity and steadfastness in the faith of the gospel of Christ.

May God richly bless you for your support and prayers.

Burkholder Commissioning from Justin Burkholder on Vimeo.

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